Comcast NBCUniversal Supports New York On Tech Demo Day for Students

December 20, 2017
Comcast NBCUniversal believes greater economic opportunity comes through technology. It requires expanding access and helping young people develop skills that meaningfully expand their economic prospects. This December, Comcast NBCUniversal supported the New York On Tech (NYOT) Demo Day where more than 50 high school students showcased their coding skills and pitched app ideas.
NYOT is a nonprofit organization that brings technology training, education and internships to students in New York City. This year, students enrolled in NYOT’s TECH360 and Tech Flex Leaders program had the opportunity to work in teams to complete web applications for small business clients. The students competed for top prizes in their respective programs.
“NYOT’s Demo Day brings to life the stories and projects of students enrolled in our courses. They have worked extremely hard in their teams the past couple of weeks and this is an opportunity for our community of supporters to celebrate their achievements.” – Jessica Santana, Co-founder of NYOT
Comcast NBCUniversal aligns with organizations like NYOT that helps prepare high school and college students for degrees and careers in technology by connecting them to technical skills-building courses, mentorship from professionals and internships in the industry. NYOT works with 50+ high schools in NYC, 30+ corporate and foundation supporters and 100+ technology volunteers to bring career pathway opportunities to students.
Diamond Girl presenting in front of the New York On Tech judges
Judges providing feedback to young entrepreneurs